"options that would involve large-scale engineering of our environment in order to combat or counteract the effects of changes in atmospheric chemistry." Geoengineering accompanies mitigation and adaptation to form a 3-stranded 'MAG' approach to tackling global warming, notably advocated by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.Some geoengineering techniques are based on carbon sequestration. These techniques seek to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere directly. These include direct methods (e.g. carbon dioxide air capture) and indirect methods (e.g. ocean iron fertilization). These techniques can be regarded as mitigation of global warming. Alternatively, solar radiation management techniques (e.g. stratospheric sulfur aerosols) do not reduce greenhouse gas concentrations, and can only address the warming effects of carbon dioxide and other gases; they cannot address problems such as ocean acidification, which are expected as a result of rising carbon dioxide levels. Examples of proposed geoengineering techniques include the production of stratospheric sulfur aerosols, which was suggested by Paul Crutzen,and cloud reflectivity enhancement. Most techniques have at least some side effects.To date, no large-scale geoengineering projects have been undertaken. Some limited tree planting and cool roof projects are already underway, and ocean iron fertilization is at an advanced stage of research, with small-scale research trials and global modelling having been completed.Field research into sulfur aerosols has also started. Some commentators have suggested that consideration of geoengineering presents a moral hazard because it threatens to reduce the political and popular pressure for emissions reduction. Typically, the scientists and engineers proposing geoengineering strategies do not suggest that they are an alternative to emissions control, but rather an accompanying strategy.Reviews of geoengineering techniques have emphasised that they are not substitutes for emission controls and have identified potentially stronger and weaker schemes.
Spray shiny sulphur compounds into the high aymosphere to reflect sunlight.Possible side effects include change to global rainfall.
Devices that use a chemical process to soak up carbon dioxide from the air.Technically possible but very expensive on a meaning ful scale.
A collection of millions or even trillions of small mirrors rather than a gaint orbiting parasol in space to block the sun.Very expensive and impracticle with current technology.
Dump iron into the sea to boost plankton growth and soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Doubts about how deep the plankton would sink have rised doubts about how long the carbon would be secured.
Fleets of sailing ships string across the world's oceans could spray seawater into the sky to evaporate and leave behind shiny salt crystals to brighten clouds,which would then reflect sunlight back into space.Might interfere with wind and rain patterns.
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